Monday, September 17, 2007

Article #1

My Life Story:

Since I was a little girl I was a very disciplined. However, I have to say I hated school and that was my problem. When I was in elementary, I used to grab my mother’s skirt because I did not want to go inside the classroom only because I didn’t like school and my teacher. I remember my teacher was so sweet with me, but the problem was that I didn’t want to be apart from my mother; to me she was like my savior at that time. Later on I started to feel better in school and as consequence I stopped crying and I was actually feeling good about it. I think all kids pass through the same situation, of course some more than others.

Then, I came to the United States and started middle school. I was nervous of relocating to a new country starting a new school, meeting new people and teachers. I was fearful of the language, because I did not speak English, at that time I only spoke Spanish, obviously my native country is Cuba and they only speak Spanish. Soon after I improved my language skills and was feeling better in middle school, the professors were awesome. I used to have E.S.O.L classes, the classes are bilingual. It’s a program for Spanish speakers where they teach students English while teaching the specific subject. When I was in 8th grade I was already a very excellent student, I liked school and believe it or not I became a gifted student.

Subsequently, I went to high school. Only by saying the word “high school” made feel scare, I was going to confront a new challenge in my life, this was serious stuff. Anything I would do in high school would affect my future in school. Even tough it was serious it was also the best time of my life; high school was historical for me. I remember when I was in 9th grade I was so simple, in other words not fancy at all, I would not care about fashion and the way I dress to go to school. But when we as girls get older, we start worrying about dressing nice to look good for the boys we like. Throughout whole high school I grew mentally and physically. The year I remember the most is “Senior Year”. It was a very special year because it was our last year together growing with the same friends seeing the same faces and the idea of being separated from this easy and fun world was really hard for me to accept. Prom Night was beautiful, I believe I looked gorgeous, I felt like a princess in a fairy tale with the exception of not having a prince. However, after prom I actually had my first boyfriend and my first kiss. Also I went to many field trips, like Sea world, the Zoo, and the best one of all “Grad Night” in Orlando; I don’t have words to express the emotions and memories I had with my friends in the park ourselves having fun with no parents, no teachers just us. High School was a great experience for me, the teachers were great .In my senior year I got to know everyone at school even the people who clean the school. Everyone in school became like part of my family. After good and bad times I finally graduated.

I am currently here in Miami Dade College, my major is psychology. I’m trying to do my best in every class. Speaking of class, I start a reading class on Monday and is only once a week, I met my professor yesterday she was really nice, I like her confidence and her attitude in class, I noticed she is very demanding and challenging and I like that, it forces me to be more responsible and dedicated and that’s the way I learn. My purpose in this class is to pass it with a good grade and learn the most I can to be successful in life. I have to say it; college is very different from high school and middle school. The difference is that you learn to be more responsible because you are actually taking classes for your future career and you do not want to get bad grades on something that is so important for you. Also, I had to learn to be more independent and take care of my own things, because in college teachers are not behind you and telling you what to do, if you want to accomplish and succeed in class you need to be interested in learning and do your best in your own.

In conclusion, I am growing up as a better human being thanks to the challenges I passed throughout my whole life. I gained more experienced and knowledge to face any circumstance in my life path. I am just a girl preparing myself to have a better future and be able to maintain a family with no problems. As any woman and/or person I want to achieve my goals and dreams and make my mother proud of me. I hope to be able to have the right tools in my hands to construct a future full of love, economic stability, happiness and knowledge.