Monday, December 10, 2007

Article# 12

What Gifts Do Americans Really Want?
According to an annual survey by the Consumer Electronics Association, the consumer electronics industry's largest trade organization, computers outrank peace, happiness and clothes this year as the most wished-for gifts.
"Consumer electronics will be the shining star of holiday retail sales, accounting for 22 percent of all gifts given," said CEA Economist Shawn DuBravac. "Two of the top 5 items on adults’ holiday wish lists are consumer electronics, and four of the top 5 items on the teen list are CE devices, so today’s hottest technologies will be on every holiday shopper’s mind."

The top five CE gifts adults wish for are MP3 players, notebook/laptops, video game systems, digital cameras and any type of TV. For teens, MP3 players, digital cameras, notebook/laptops, computers and any type of TV round out the top five items on their wish list.

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