Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Article #9

Police arrest fake dentist
Officials have arrested a fake dentist for impersonating a deceased dentist.
Hollywood Police arrested 64-year-old Gustavo Quezada for impersonating Dr. Primitivo Garcia, who died in 2004. Quezada practiced under the false name for several years at 2450 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 400.Quezada is charged with practicing dental hygiene without a license and using another person's identification.

Article #8

Tropical Storm Watch Issued

Miami- A tropical storm watch was issued this afternoon by the National Hurricane Center for portions of southeast Florida.
The agency warns strong, gusty winds swirling between Tropical Storm Noel and a high-pressure system over the East Coast will continue buffeting Florida through tomorrow as Noel was expected to skirt the state's coast.
At 5 p.m. Eastern, Noel's center was about 240 miles southeast of Miami. The storm was nearly stationary, but was expected to turn to the north away from Florida later in the day and speed away from the U.S. over the Bahamas. It had top sustained winds near 50 miles per hour, up from 40 miles per hour earlier in the day.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Article #7

You Just Don't Understand
This article is basically about how learning about the different conversational frequencies men and women are turned to can help banish blame and help us truly talk to one another. Men grow up in a world in which a conversation is often a contest or a competition. Is either to achieve the upper hand or to prevent other people from pushing them around. For many women, however, talking is typically a way to exchange confirmation and support. The conclusion is mostly to inform us about the differences in communication between men and women so that they can better understand one another.

Article #6

We Are All Born Free & Equal
Don't Discriminate
The Right to Life
No Slavery
No Torture
You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go
We're All Equal Before the Law
Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law
No Unfair Detainment
The Right to Trial
We're Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty
The Right to Privacy
Freedom to Move
The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live
Right to a Nationality
Marriage and Family
The Right to Your Own Things
Freedom of Thought
Freedom of Expression
The Right to Public Assembly
The Right to Democracy
Social Security
Workers' Rights
The Right to Play
Food and Shelter for All
The Right to Education
A Fair and Free World
No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights

Monday, October 22, 2007

Article #5

Police involved shooting sends suspect to hospital

DAVIE, Fla. - Officials are investigating a police involved shooting after a man confronts them with a gun.
Authorities were called out to 1010 Meadowood Terrace in Davie after calls were made saying a man is making suicide threats. When police arrived on the scene, a suspect confronted them with a gun and shots were fired.
The suspect was transported by air rescue to Broward General Medical Center and his condition is unknown.
Officials say the officers were not injured during the shooting. "Both officers are fine and the investigation is ongoing," said Lieutenant Wayne Boulier of the Davie Police Department.

Article #4

The ugly girl

There was an insignificant country girl called Cristina. She just moves to a Big City “California”. She was very unattractive and ugly. She starts high school the next day she moved. When she enters school no one notice she passes by because of her indifferent look. She used big brown glasses, long dark skirt and big blouses. Her hair was short and very curly. She seams to be Serious and conservative. She was as far from been cool as she could possibly be. Basically she did not care what anyone thinks about her. I mean she doesn’t even wear make-up and her clothes are not even in style like most teenagers clothes are. Cristina was very simple, in other words not fancy at all, she would not care about fashion and the way she dress to go to school. She would rather read than being stuck in some click in her school.

All the boys and girl in school were very rude with Cristina. All the insults make her feel really bad and sad. They name calling “the ugly stocker”, only because she wasn’t attractive at all. Every day she cries in her way home. The next day she decides to be strong and don’t feel bad of all that verbal abuse. But almost went she thought everything was doing well, the most beautiful boy in school passed by and insult her. The problem was not the insult; basically she did not pay attention to that, the thing was she like the boy. At that very moment she felt heartbreaking and painful.

At the end of school year, the prom night was coming. She wanted to go but she feels so ugly and she did not know what to wear. Prom night came and one of her sisters convinces her to do a make over. She accepts, and she went to the beauty salon. When she finally got out of the beauty salon, she looked gorgeous. Her hair was shiny, and brilliant. That night she wears a long red dress that mashed with her white skin. She was not using her big glasses; her blue eyes were very bright. She looked like a princess in a fairy tale. When she entered in the Solon where the Prom was been celebrated everyone look at her and the people start talking about how beautiful was her, and asking who was she?

The boy her liked ask her to dance and she accept. She was very tense and nervous.
Minutes later they began talking and he ask her who was she, She said “I am the ugly girl in the back of the classroom”, “That insignificant ugly stocked, that no one never payed attention to her” That just me. He was very surprise, and he said sorry to her.

In conclusion, Life's far too short to care about silly stuff. Basically at the end just isn’t important, we have to be happy with our self because at the end you are the only one that really matters. Just remember when someone is trying to say bad things to you and about you, it's more than likely because they aren’t that secure about themselves, so just laugh and humor them.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Article #3

Health Insurance For Pets

Some pet owners now paying thousands of dollars for medical procedures for their animals, a number of companies have sprung up offering health insurance plans for pets.
ConsumerReports found that when you add up the premiums, co-payments, unreimbursedcosts and exclusions, pet insurance is not a good deal. The magazine's managing Editor Kim Kleman concludes that the policies are almost never worth the price. Infact, she says pet insurance is such a bad deal that Consumer Reports recommends that if you're worried about having enough money to keep your pet healthy, start a savings account. That way, you'll have the money if you need it. And if you don't need it, it goes back in your pocket.
So far, less than one percent of the nearly 60 (m) million U-S households with pets have opted for the insurance. But the largest insurer, a company called Veterinary Pet Insurance, says its business grew by 45 percent last year.

Article #2

"Do not Iron Clothes on Body"

Most people don’t read the instructions of the products they purchase. Basically, we as people are suffering from this self inflicted damage. Mostly the warning about a product being hot after heating may cause serious problems. For example, there was a famous case; a woman successfully sued McDonald’s because she was burned when she spilled a cup of coffee in her legs. Also, relatives are trying to sued the companies for damage cause by there products cause by the lost of a family member. In my opinion all this things happens because the people don’t take time to informed or warned then self about the dangers.