Monday, October 15, 2007

Article #3

Health Insurance For Pets

Some pet owners now paying thousands of dollars for medical procedures for their animals, a number of companies have sprung up offering health insurance plans for pets.
ConsumerReports found that when you add up the premiums, co-payments, unreimbursedcosts and exclusions, pet insurance is not a good deal. The magazine's managing Editor Kim Kleman concludes that the policies are almost never worth the price. Infact, she says pet insurance is such a bad deal that Consumer Reports recommends that if you're worried about having enough money to keep your pet healthy, start a savings account. That way, you'll have the money if you need it. And if you don't need it, it goes back in your pocket.
So far, less than one percent of the nearly 60 (m) million U-S households with pets have opted for the insurance. But the largest insurer, a company called Veterinary Pet Insurance, says its business grew by 45 percent last year.

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