Monday, October 22, 2007

Article #4

The ugly girl

There was an insignificant country girl called Cristina. She just moves to a Big City “California”. She was very unattractive and ugly. She starts high school the next day she moved. When she enters school no one notice she passes by because of her indifferent look. She used big brown glasses, long dark skirt and big blouses. Her hair was short and very curly. She seams to be Serious and conservative. She was as far from been cool as she could possibly be. Basically she did not care what anyone thinks about her. I mean she doesn’t even wear make-up and her clothes are not even in style like most teenagers clothes are. Cristina was very simple, in other words not fancy at all, she would not care about fashion and the way she dress to go to school. She would rather read than being stuck in some click in her school.

All the boys and girl in school were very rude with Cristina. All the insults make her feel really bad and sad. They name calling “the ugly stocker”, only because she wasn’t attractive at all. Every day she cries in her way home. The next day she decides to be strong and don’t feel bad of all that verbal abuse. But almost went she thought everything was doing well, the most beautiful boy in school passed by and insult her. The problem was not the insult; basically she did not pay attention to that, the thing was she like the boy. At that very moment she felt heartbreaking and painful.

At the end of school year, the prom night was coming. She wanted to go but she feels so ugly and she did not know what to wear. Prom night came and one of her sisters convinces her to do a make over. She accepts, and she went to the beauty salon. When she finally got out of the beauty salon, she looked gorgeous. Her hair was shiny, and brilliant. That night she wears a long red dress that mashed with her white skin. She was not using her big glasses; her blue eyes were very bright. She looked like a princess in a fairy tale. When she entered in the Solon where the Prom was been celebrated everyone look at her and the people start talking about how beautiful was her, and asking who was she?

The boy her liked ask her to dance and she accept. She was very tense and nervous.
Minutes later they began talking and he ask her who was she, She said “I am the ugly girl in the back of the classroom”, “That insignificant ugly stocked, that no one never payed attention to her” That just me. He was very surprise, and he said sorry to her.

In conclusion, Life's far too short to care about silly stuff. Basically at the end just isn’t important, we have to be happy with our self because at the end you are the only one that really matters. Just remember when someone is trying to say bad things to you and about you, it's more than likely because they aren’t that secure about themselves, so just laugh and humor them.

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